LGBTQ Affirmative Therapy in

Red Bank, NJ & Pasadena, CA

Therapy led by a clinician who prioritizes an environment that validates, supports and advocates for the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals is the primary goal of LGBTQ affirmative therapy. As a queer, LGBTQ affirming therapist I understand the challenge and importance of connecting with someone who not only hears what you’re saying but understands how your identity has impacted your life.

Image of multiple LGBTQ related images. Looking for someone to support you as an LGBTQ individual? Learn how LGBTQ affirming therapy in Pasadena, CA can help support you.

LGBTQ+ people enter the process of therapy with many of the same challenges as non-marginalized people. A major distinction is that our experiences are often shaped by our identity and the discrimination we face, solely based on who we are.  

In the process of LGBTQ Affirming Therapy, it is crucial that you feel seen, heard, understood, and celebrated as you process the experiences that are unique to you.


As a queer person and LGBTQ+ Affirmative Care Therapist, I specialize in our community and am extremely passionate about creating a space for you; one that validates and celebrates you while also understanding the unique role that your identity plays in your life.

Principles of LGBTQ Affirming Therapy

Acknowledgment and Respect

I see you, I hear you, and I respect your journey. Every story is unique, and I honor your individuality.


I recognize that identity is complex, and I am prepared to explore all facets of your identity and experience.

Client-Centered Care

Your goals, your journey. I tailor my therapeutic approach to meet your individual needs.

Why Choose LGBTQ Affirmative Therapy?

Choosing a therapy that understands and affirms your identity is crucial. Here’s why LGBTQ+ Affirmative Therapy can make a difference:

A Safe Space to Explore

My practice provides a judgment-free zone where you can explore your identity, express your feelings, and navigate your journey with support.

Building Resilience

Together, we can work on building resilience against external pressures and internal conflicts, empowering you to live authentically.

Deepening Self-Acceptance

I am here to help you cultivate a deep sense of self-acceptance and pride in who you are.

Improving Relationships

I can guide you through navigating relationships, coming out, and building a support network that affirms your identity.

Enhancing Overall Well-Being

By addressing the unique challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community, My goal is to enhance your overall mental, emotional, and relational well-being.

Confidentiality and Trust

Your privacy and trust are of utmost importance. I always uphold the highest standards of confidentiality in my practice.

Expertise and Experience

I bring a wealth of expertise and lived experience to my practice, ensuring that you receive the best possible support.

Your story matters, your identity is valid, and you deserve a space where you can be your authentic self. I am here to provide that space and support you on your journey.

Image of rainbows and colorful flowers reading love is love. Discover how LGBTQ affirming therapy in Pasadena, CA can help you overcome whatever you challenge you may face as an LGBTQ individual.

coming out challenges

For some of us, the process of coming out can be a daunting one. What is most important is that you have support throughout your journey to ensure you never feel alone.

identity exploration

Whether you are exploring your sexuality, your gender, or simply defining what makes you, I am here to support you every step of the way.

Image of two cartoon hands holding a heart. Discover how a skilled LGBTQ affirming therapist in Pasadena, CA can help you explore your identity as an LGBTQ individual.


If you need assistance seeking affirmative medical care providers, crisis support, legal issues, or are in search of LGBTQ+ support groups, I have access to an abundance of resources prioritizing the LGBTQ+ community that will be helpful for you.

gender affirming letter writing

If you are in need of a letter in order to access gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy and/or transition-related medical care, I provide these at no cost to you, in accordance with California state guidelines for use with both providers and insurance companies.

Ready to Begin LGBTQ Affirming Therapy?

in Pasadena, CA - Los Angeles, CA - Asbury Park, NJ - Red Bank, NJ

Ready to embrace your authentic self and overcome life's challenges in a supportive and affirming environment? With LGBTQ affirming therapy at Thomas Blake Therapy, I provide a safe space to explore your unique journey, build resilience, and thrive. Take the first step towards a brighter, more authentic future by connecting with a compassionate LGBTQ affirming therapist who understands and celebrates your identity. Follow these three simple steps to get started:

  1. Schedule a free, 15-minute consultation

  2. Begin meeting with Thomas Blake, a caring LGBTQ Affirming Therapist

  3. Find support to overcome your challenges with LGBTQ Affirming Therapy!

Other Services Offered at Thomas Blake Therapy

At Thomas Blake Therapy, I understand that you may be struggling to overcome more than one issue. So in addition to providing support with LGBTQ Affirming Therapy, I offer EMDR Therapy to help individuals recover from trauma and other distressing life experiences, Narrative Therapy where I will work collaboratively with you to dissect the problematic story of your life and reshape that dialogue, and Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy to accelerate healing in those who have struggled to heal from chronic emotional pain due to treatment resistance. If any of these services resonate with you feel free to reach out. My online therapy services are offered in the states of California and New Jersey. For more about me and my services, check out my Bio and Blog!

Image of a cartoon heart being held by two cartoon hands. Discover how LGBTQ affirming therapy in Pasadena, CA can help you work through your struggles in a supportive environment.